Tuesday, 6 January 2015

How to download say thanks Facebook videos

We are back with another awesome trick. Did you know about Facebook's new photo messages which you can create for your friends on fb? Many of you are very well known about this video messages provided by facebook for it's users.

What is Say Thanks video?

Say thanks is created by Facebook to provide it's users video greeting cards. By using the say thanks feature of facebook users can create thanks video for their friends on facebook. It's a customizable video greeting in which you may add some another photos from your computer and make a video of it or can use previously shared photos with friends and create a great video to say thanks to your friends for being with you for a long time. You can create say thanks video from the link https://www.facebook.com/thanks

How to download say thanks facebook videos?

Most of the users already created say thanks video using facebook's say thanks feature. But they are not able to download it only they can view it online. Some of my friends also asked me about how they can download the video. But don't worry friends now you can able to download the video and also other videos which are not downloadable on the internet or on the Facebook. To download the video here is a complete solution, follow it and enjoy the download of facebook's thank you cards.

*. First of all download the firefox extension Video DownloadHelper from here.

video download helper firefox icon

*. Now login to facebook and play the video which you want to download.

*. When the video starts playing you will see the moving icon on top right side on your firefox. Now click on the small dropdown icon and then click on download. You can also convert the video format by clicking on Download and convert.

say thanks facebook videos download

*. That's it your video will now starts downloading.

Hopefully you like this post. Keep visiting for some more tricks for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. open the developer console and paste the below script:


    you will get an url, open the url and right click and save video as, and save it

  3. Facebook just showing video is not available.

  4. All information and content contained in this website are provided solely for general information and reference purposes. And, Education Purpose Only...... facebook sign in


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