When you are burning files on CD/DVD and if some files not
burned properly on the disk you may cause the error like this. This error shows
near your system tray and you can’t able to remove that kind of
This kind of error have to be fix by most of the Windows users but unable to fix it after removing CD/DVD and completed burning files to it.
What is the cause of this error ?
This error cause due to temporary storage of files into your systems temporary storage folder. If you didn’t burn some of the files that stored into that folder then this error continue to show near your system tray.
How to fix the error ?
Fixing this error is not that much hard thing to do. You are now able to fix this error by using simple Run commands or by just opening the folder.
*. Open Run directly by pressing Win + R. Now type shell:cd burning and press Enter.
*. You will prompt a Window in which temporarily files were stored during burning process. You just need to delete that files and you are done.
*. Open the folder located at C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Temporary Burn Folder and delete all the files stored in that folder.
Note: This folder is hidden by default and may not open directly, so first check that you have checked show hidden files and folder option from folder and search options.
You are now able to fix this issue easily and not teased with this issue again.
This kind of error have to be fix by most of the Windows users but unable to fix it after removing CD/DVD and completed burning files to it.
What is the cause of this error ?
This error cause due to temporary storage of files into your systems temporary storage folder. If you didn’t burn some of the files that stored into that folder then this error continue to show near your system tray.

How to fix the error ?
Fixing this error is not that much hard thing to do. You are now able to fix this error by using simple Run commands or by just opening the folder.
*. Open Run directly by pressing Win + R. Now type shell:cd burning and press Enter.

*. You will prompt a Window in which temporarily files were stored during burning process. You just need to delete that files and you are done.
*. Open the folder located at C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Temporary Burn Folder and delete all the files stored in that folder.
Note: This folder is hidden by default and may not open directly, so first check that you have checked show hidden files and folder option from folder and search options.
You are now able to fix this issue easily and not teased with this issue again.
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